C: Welcome, Kathryn. It’s an honor to have you here.
K: Thank you so much, Cynde. It’s my pleasure.
C: I know that a lot of my readers are very curious about you, so if you wouldn’t mind, I have a few questions that I’d like to ask, so that we can all get to know you a little better. Is that alright with you?
K: It sure is.
C: Great, then let’s get started:

K: True crime is frustrating. I interview dozens and dozens of people, a hundred or more for each book, but I rarely know what happens at the most important moment, when the crime actual occurs. You see, if I’m writing about a case, it’s probably a murder case. There are most often only two people who know the truth about that last moment: the victim and the killer. Unfortunately, the victims aren’t alive to be interviewed. And, this is shocking I know, but the killers don’t always tell the truth. So, I ultimately have a good sense of what happened and why, but I don’t conclusively know.
That can be frustrating. So at some point I thought, you know, if I wrote fiction, I’d know everything, because all the details would come out of my imagination. So, that’s what I did. I made it all up, using much of what I’ve experienced over my career as a crime writer. And it’s been very freeing, a lot of fun.

K: With both the novels and the third novel in the Sarah Armstrong mystery series, THE KILLING STORM, coming out in November 2010, I had the basic concepts in my head along with some of the major plot points, but I didn’t have anything resembling an outline. I sat down at the computer, typed Chapter One, and I was on my way.
C: Your writing has been compared to that of award-winning novelist Patricia Cornwell. Do you envision yourself being able to build a multi-novel series around your “Sarah Armstrong” character that could have the same endurance as Patricia Cornwell’s “Scarpetta” character?

C: Have you ever considered collaborating with another author on writing a novel? If so, who would it be, and if not, why not?

K: If the right opportunity presented itself, I might, but it would have to be something I considered at the time. I have no plans to collaborate.
C: Would you please describe for us one of your typical writing days, from start to finish?

C: What do you think would be the most valuable pieces of advice that anyone could pass on to someone struggling to become a published writer?

K: To realize that along with talent, the most important trait is determination. You have to truly want to write. It’s a tough business for most of us to break into, so be patient and focused, and don’t worry if your first attempts are rejected. I once had a file filled with rejection slips for short stories I sent to magazines. My favorite was from the New Yorker. Most were standard, pre-printed rejection letters, but at the bottom of that particular one someone wrote: “Keep trying.” Wonderful advice.
C: Thanks a lot for visiting us today, Kathryn! I had a great time and I'm sure my readers enjoyed your great answers to my questions. I hope you'll come back and visit us when your new book, the next one in this series, "THE KILLING STORM" comes out in the fall, so we can see what the latest news is with you.
If anyone wants to learn more about Kathryn Casey and the other books that she has written, please feel free to visit her amazing website by clicking here.

Until next time...stay safe, stay well, and may the Lord bless you all.

Please visit my other blogs:
Cynde's Daybook ~and~ Usurper Exposed. Thank you!

Be on the lookout next for:
- A book review of "Cynthia's Attic: The Missing Locket" written by Mary Cunningham.
- A book review of "Cynthia's Attic: The Magic Medallion" written by Mary Cunningham.
- A book review of "Cynthia's Attic: Curse of the Bayou" written by Mary Cunningham.
- A book review of "Cynthia's Attic: The Magician's Castle" written by Mary Cunningham.
- An interview with Mary Cunningham, who wrote the delightful "CYNTHIA'S ATTIC SERIES"