Angie over at "Notes From the Writing Chair" posted this little game and I thought it looked like fun, so I thought I'd try it. I've never done one of these before and it looks like a lot of fun. All you have to do is fill in your likes/loves/hates after the bolded words. Have fun!
Here goes:
- I like everything to do with "writing". I like the writing itself, brand new pens, new notebooks, and everything new.
- I like having "Date Night with my husband, every Friday night. It makes me feel special and even though we usually stay home and watch a movie, it still feels just like it did when we were dating before we got married. (He still gives me goosebumps!)
- I like Orville Redenbacher's kettlecorn popcorn. It has a sweet and natural taste that doesn't make me feel all thirsty when I'm done eating it.
- I like the smell and sound of rain, especially when it builds up and causes a torrent to flow through the gully behind our house. When it rains really hard, it sounds like a train is in the gully, and believe it or not, my husband and I both think it is a very soothing sound.
- I like the Holly Lisle's "How To Think Sideways Career Survival Course For Writers" that I'm taking right now. I'm learning a lot and it's so interesting.
- I like to rest my cheek on the cool side of my pillow; it is such a refreshing feeling, no matter what time of year it is.
- I like watching kittens and puppies sleep. Sometimes they run in their sleep or whimper like babies and it's the cutest thing to observe.
- I like blogging, even though I really don't have enough time to keep up with it like I should.
- I like riding on the back of my husband's 1973 Honda CB750 motorcycle, with my arms wrapped around him, watching the scenery whip by us, feeling young, free and very much in ♥love♥.
- I ♥love♥ the Lord Jesus Christ. He is my Lord and Saviour, in Him shall I trust.
- Today was the day that the Lord hath made; "I will rejoice and be glad in it, for this is the day that the Lord hath made." (Psalm 118:24)
- I hate satan and all of his minions.
- I hate it when people are mean to one another.
- I hate it when people suffer needlessly.
- I hate being disabled; it makes me feel useless!
- I hate it when people display "road rage"; they act like they just got out of kindergarten.
- I hate it when politicians think they know what we need for ourselves more than we do, and they refuse to even listen to us!
- I hate it when I get behind on anything, such as reading/answering emails, etc.
- I (secretly) like paying the bills every month. It's not that I like having bills...no, of course not!...it's just that I like making sure that all the bills are paid on time.
- I ♥love♥ my husband, Dion, with all my heart. He's my soul-mate and I praise the Lord every day for sending him to me. Before he came into my life, I was miserable and lonely. Now I am so happy and have so much joy! (Can you tell I'm very much in love?)

At this point, I'm supposed to "tag" three of my friends and list them below, but I'm not going to do that. I'll just let you all decide yourself (like I did) if you want to participate. If you leave a comment and want to play the game, just let me know and I'll post your link below, OK?

Until next time...stay safe, stay well, and may the Lord bless you all.

Please visit my other blogs:
Cynde's Daybook ~and~ Usurper Exposed. Thank you!