
Please visit my other blogs:
Cynde's Daybook ~and~ Usurper Exposed. Thank you!

Every little girl has a dream & mine was to become a published writer. I recently reached that goal by having a short story that I wrote published in an arts & literary magazine. I also hope to have a novella or book published. I am currently writing paranormal historical romance along with crime-mystery type stories, both for young adults. I’ll still have interviews & contests, plus review books, so please join me on my journey. God bless you all. ~Cynde Bond Hammond, author
Sounds weird. I've never "attended" a chat...thingie. Isn't there usually a moderator that starts of things with maybe a questions or ...SOMETHING? Doesn't everyone signed in see all the posts? How strange. I wonder if all the other attendees are thinking the same thing..."What happened?"
It's funny that you mentioned that, Mardel, because I wrote a message to the person that I spoke about in this posting--and she sent me an EMAIL!
She DID she me in the chat room and was too busy copying and pasting the message from the moderator and the visiting speaker to contact me back at the time! SHE COULD SEE the message, but I COULD NOT! Go figure, huh?
I sent an email to my contact person at Savvy Authors and hopefully they will have a transcript for the meeting and will be able supply me with a copy.
Like I said, it must have been TinkerDell's (my computer's name) fault. She must have been having one of her tantrums--she's such a BRAT sometimes.
Thanks for visiting me and I hope to see you again soon,
computers are weird. sometimes mine won't let me see ANY pics on my e-mail. Or once in a while there will be a blog where once again, I'm not allowed to actually SEE the pics. very odd. or I might have refresh a paige before I can leave a comment (happens on live journal).
strange place - the intenet is a strange but fun place.
Did she mention that everyone else had no problems or anything?
I host a couple of them every now and again and sometimes it can be the website and sometimes it's one person's own computer or the way they are trying to log in.
But, please don't get discouraged. This seems to rarely happen. The ones I've hosted and attended there weren't any problems. I've just heard of others with the problems.
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