Monday, May 17, 2010

"Announcing The WINNER of the "Blog Jog Day!" CONTEST"

Hi, everyone! We have now reached the long-awaited moment—the time that so many of you have been waiting for...Yes, it is finally time to announce the winner of the "Blog Jog Day!" CONTEST. But first, let me tell you what happened this morning.

I was up early, getting breakfast and packing a lunch for my husband, and I turned on the computer so I could quickly check once more to find out if there were any late entries into the contest. The last I had checked, it was 11:30 p.m. last night, and everything was all ready for the drawing this morning.

So...while I was checking on my laptop, "TinkerBell", my husband snapped a sneaky shot of me. (the little stinker!) :o)

There were no more entries. So...

It was finally time. Dion (my husband) and I went into the livingroom, and he sat on the couch.

Then he shook the fish bowl that contained the slips of papers with the names of the people who had entered the contest on them (they were all folded in half, then in half again), we said a little prayer, then he fished out the winning name.

We couldn't see to get the camera to focus on the name while Dion was holding it, (maybe because I was shaking?) so I carefully laid it on the pillow next to him and he took the picture. Here it is (I prettied it up a little for the occasion):

I have been trying to download my post to Blogger most of the day, but for some reason my ISP has been A.W.O.L. most of the day, so when they're back on line, my post will go out. I am so upset! Murphy's Law, though, right? That's what I get for living in a small town...but really, I love it here. And this doesn't happen very often. Thankfully, it's not a life or death situation...

And by the way...I thought you all might like to know that I gained 48 new followers (Thanks, everybody!) during "Blog Jog Day!", which means that I will probably try to have another contest of some sort soon, because I'm close to having 100 followers! So keep checking back so you don't miss out, OK?

And now is the time for us to finally announce the winner!



of the






"Blog Jog Day!"


Laura Ann Dunks!


Laura Ann!

(Note to Laura Ann.: I'll be contacting you by email today. I hope you saw this and were excited and happy that you won. ~Cynde)

Until next time...stay safe, stay well, and may the Lord bless you all.


Please visit my other blogs:
Cynde's Daybook ~and~ Usurper Exposed. Thank you!


Lisa K. said...

Your chronicle of picking the contest winner made me smile! :-) Congratulations to Laura!

Laura Ann Dunks said...

Thank you so much Cynde, that is an amazing prize, and I am really lucky (and really happy) to have won it!

*Cue big enormous grin*

Laura Ann Dunks

Vicki Rocho said...

Congratulations to Laura!!!

Diane said...

Well done Cynde and Dion!
Running a competition is exciting and nerve-racking. Having a technology hiccup at the end must have thrown you into a spin.
I also live in a small rural town, small being about 35,000. We accept that we won't have the same things available to us as city dwellers, well, we probably will down the track a few years.
Keep up the great work.
Kindest regards
Diane L Wood

Cynde L. Hammond said...

I'm so glad that you all enjoyed my posting, and I'm so happy for you, Laura. It's such an exciting thing to win a present/surprise/contest, isn't it?

I think I'm going to try to have more contests on here. I have oodles of books that I could give away. How does that sound every once in a while, too?

I love giving things away and making people happy!


Laura Ann Dunks said...

Yes winning things is amazing. Little competitions sound cool, and circulating books you already have is both economical and green. I am planning to do some competitions on my blog too once it has been running a little longer!
